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Sunday, September 28, 2008
7:34 AM


Is alrdy 7am plus le... wahahaha!!
actually i haven sleep at all...
yesterday nite watched saw 1, 2 & 3
den today jus watched saw 4 
after cleaning my house and washing clothes...
damn tired...
After watched finish saw 1, 2, 3 & 4...
de story is damn COOL~ seriously...
it make u think... all got link de...

And when u watch finish saw 3...
u will think it nothing...
after watch finish saw 4...
it will tell u wat going on from 1 to 3...
and u will think saw 3 is great!!!
maybe... XD
but there still got something
still dun understand...
i tink have to wait saw5...

now waiting for saw 5 on oct 24
but i think i can't watch...
bcus maybe R21...
but i checked it rating "G"
dun understand wat tat mean... lol


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Friday, September 26, 2008
1:14 AM


Today very sian...
My darling is sick... (my w760i)
my darling connection is spoil...
can't connecting, earpiece, speaker & CHARGER!!!
omg... poor darling... now she sleeping (no batt)
tis sat have to send her to hospital... (go repair)
hope she is ok... T_T


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Wednesday, September 24, 2008
2:14 AM

My 3rd Try Artwork...

My fren wan mi draw him with his gf photo...
lol... take an hour to draw sia...
seem like i can draw this kind of artwork...
Jia You!! Jia You!!


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Sunday, September 21, 2008
2:11 AM

Chapter3 is out!!

Drew FINISH!! ^^
my Chapter3 is out...
Tired wor... lol
have to improve more...
Jia You!! Jia You!!
now go play audition le^^
oh ya... if u got got play...
come play with mi...
my acc id is SouNiji...
now lvl7 only...


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Thursday, September 18, 2008
2:03 AM

Damage My Comic Le!!

Today drew my comic at my camp...
lol... we playing too much...
damage my comic le T_T
1 paper onli... but have to redraw...
dun think very easy leh!!
1 paper got 2 pages...
need hr time to draw finish...
dun need draw same wan
but have to nicer den old wan...
hopefully can finish my chapter3
bcus tis few day very busy at camp...
Jia You^^


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Sunday, September 14, 2008
3:01 AM

Gathering My ITE frenz...

Today my ite frenz gather eat dinner...
before dinner i meet Dave, ZhaoWei,
WeiQiang and Daniel 2pm plus at AMK...
When they see mi... they said i taller now... 
and my voice change liao... lol
No wonder i singing improve... Jking la XD

Wa lan lei... Daniel ALL~ the way shoot mi...
WeiQiang oso... they said at sch stress... 
when see mi... feel wan to shoot mi... 
and shoot non-stop... lol
and so... we eat lunch...
and then we played cs and half-life...
FUN... play with them^^
long time never meet liao...

after tat... we meet other frenz...
Bryn and Casper at Novena
Wa lan lei... shoot mi again...
they all bully mi ><
We went Zhen Fa Huo Hai Xian eat...
lol... is full de lor...
after finish de food... Bryn leave us...

And den we went back to AMK mac...
chat chat chat...around 11pm plus...
(from left to right) WeiQiang, Casper, Daniel, Dave and ZhaoWei
den we going home liao...
home sweet home~  ^^


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Saturday, September 6, 2008
1:34 AM

STUPID society!!

PaoSen hate study oso study...
so wat can i say... have to study??

ppl say MUST study...
everything must have a stupid one cert...
if dun have... ppl will say i no life...
so wat can i say... have to force mi to study???

i don have money but money is not a excuse...
If have to study... really must study in mind...
bcus mi... when study comfirm very sleeply de...
tat the problem... my bad habit... 
sleep sleep sleep...
but if really got a goal to study... maybe can...

a few month ago...
my friend wan mi to study cook course
wan to get cook cert... den we can open together...
dunno tis can be my goal or nt...
but scare ppl say i study cook for wat...
can study more useful wan... I dun wan
den say i nood...

I was so confused...
but i have to say is... 
STUPID society... can't jus a simple life???


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Friday, September 5, 2008
1:31 AM

My Daddy at Hospital!! :(

Yesterday afternoon abt 2pm plus...
my sis call mi... she said daddy was at hospital!!
I heard like very serious... need to stay in...
and is hand injured...
so i take half day leave to go home...

After tat... My sis and bro and mi
was went to hospital to visited our daddy...
when we saw daddy... i feel like dunno wat to said...
is his middle finger injured... lol
but really look painful... dunno kana wat...
his finger was cracked... OMG!!
his nail need to take out T__T

Friend Birthday Party...

after tat... i meet chin seng to went friend birthday...
at east coast... can see all my Da Jie again... haha
the party was a lot of ppl wor...
starting chin seng was leg pain...
den he went to de nearby chair to sit
feel like emo like tat... lol
after de birthday party... we going home...
it was alrdy lately... no bus for mi...
starting i wanna take taxi de...
my Da Jie said very expensive...
she wan mi take bus43 together with them...
den take bus854 can reach Yishun...
i anything de... so i follow them lor...

after reached the bus stop... 
i went down with hui chen and carmen
den i wanna take 854 de...
but i found tat still got abt 3mins is last bus alrdy...
i waiting and waiting den give up le
so i take taxi lor... and more cheaper bcus is quite near...
and is 2nd time one person take taxi... lol
and den home sweet home^^


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Monday, September 1, 2008
1:06 AM

Three person BBQ and chat a whole day!!

Today afternoon i was edited my blog...
suddenly received Qing Lang gf call (my Da Shao)
My Da Shao and Ivy was bbq at sembawang park...
She wan mi help her buy Chichen wings...
bcus she bought wrong chicken...
bought a one whole chicken... lol... XD
so i help lor... and bought other foods too...

After tat i take taxi to sembawang park...
and is my 1st time one person take taxi... lol...
when i reach there it started rain... suay sia...
so we stand at a small house and wait... after a few mins...
we continued our bbq... and only we three person... lol... XD
the foods is a lot... we bbq and chat...
chat until 9pm plus... we is alrdy full...
and my Da Shao had to meet her other friends...

so we clear the foods
and take bus back to sembawang interchange...
den Ivy went home 1st... later den meet us again...
so only mi and Da Shao went back to Yishun meet her friends...
My Da Shao said later Ivy maybe won't come meet us de...
It true... Ivy msg my Da Shao le... lol
after tat we chat again with her other friends...
chat until 11pm plus... den we went back home le...

Yawn~ out a whole day very tired...
but fun XD...


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...