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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
3:37 AM

Monster Hunter Theme
Created by me
(i using SonyEricsson, i don't have Nokia & Samsung so i haven't test yet)

Download link:
Sony Ericsson



It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Saturday, October 18, 2008
4:00 PM

new image of Darlic...
check it out of other here


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Saturday, October 11, 2008
3:24 AM

Collect my darling 2nd day

This time... i early go collect...
when i reach home...
i finish bath straight away go Bishan
collect my darling...
and i got remember bring collect form...

when i reach the service centre...
it say... srry we are close early today...
tmw have to come again T_T

Hate ppl scold me & my frenz stupid!!

i really very hate ppl scold ppl stupid...
scold bad word it ok... i dun mind...
but scold ppl stupid...
i really really hate...
u think u very clever...
everything is right... other ppl is stupid...
when ppl scold u stupid...
wat do u think... not ur fault wat...
u really dunno ma...

not everybody have a same mind...
ppl oso have their knowledge
tat u dunno de...

come on... 


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Friday, October 10, 2008
2:02 AM

Collect my darling day

Today is collect my darling day XD... (w760i)
i reach home... and den i go bath 1st...
after bath i found out... my ez-link no money...
only can take once... ><
so i call my dad for help...
but i go collect 1st...
den later meet my dad for top-up...

so i went mrt alrdy...
i go check time... OMG!!
i'm late!! 7.40pm... die die die...
after 7.45pm cannot take the queue number liao
but i alrdy inside mrt... lol
so i try not to give up...

after still got one more stop...
i found out one more thing...
like tat how to collect T_T
so i no comment...
going back home....


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Thursday, October 9, 2008
1:24 AM

Kiss my senior!!

today when i going back home from camp...
we chatting around... 
frenz wan mi hug my senior...
so i go hug lor XD...
and den my frenz said kiss him...
so i go kiss lor... XD
my senior angry sia... HAHA!!
den i kanna chase lor... lol


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Monday, October 6, 2008
1:34 AM

Friend's Birthday...

Today is XuWei & HuiChen's cousin birthday....
XuWei got something else cannot celebrate...
so we only celebrate HuiChen's cousin birthday...

HuiChen's cousin name MeiLing if i not wrong... 
we meet at City Hall... 1st meet ChinSeng
and den MeiLing, HuiChen, WeiQing & Carmen
i dunno MeiLing so well...
but oso need buy a present for her
seem i got went for her birthday^^
and den we eat dinner... Thai Express...
we are having fun...

after dinner... birthday gal have something on...
so she gtg... and den left mi, ChinSeng,
HuiChen WeiQing & Carmen...
we went Singapore Flyer... is beautiful~
we walk walk... sing song... XD
and den we going home...
home sweet home... damn tired...


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Thursday, October 2, 2008
3:40 AM

My Hebe Art... XD

last time draw wan...
jus wanna post it... XD

One of my favorite art...

2nd pic using phone to see the image...
tat time at camp ma...
so not very detail...

tis 3rd pic quite hard to draw for mi... 
so got a bit weird :(

feel free i will draw more nicer den tat
for my Hebe... :)


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...