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Monday, December 29, 2008
8:33 PM

Chapter 7

srry for late upload again...
but i was try my best le...
now chapter 7 is out!!
next chapter will be out
abt 2 week later...
anyway... free to enjoy...
thanks a lot...


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


1:58 AM

Integrity Memories~

Today is Ernie's Wedding...
4 years of the classmate friend...
of cos can see other classmates & teacher too...
it very long long time nvr gather together le...
can seem i was get taller... Haha!!
glad tat can see they all together again...
but we jus chat abt 10mins...
most of them got something on...
have to go le... lol

when christina coming...
Michael disturb mi & said
"GuoLong... Christina is coming..."
u noe... de feeling was like jus back to school...
Michael alway do tat... lol
anyway... our teacher Mdm Rosnah...
she said next year we will going to her house...
like gathering or something ba...

why Integrity Memories??
bcus we are class of "4 Integrity"


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Sunday, December 7, 2008
5:14 PM

Your Pleasure

heard my buddy said she got boyfriend le...
but nth surprise for mi now... 
heard tat guy he everyday go find her...
seem like he really better den mi...
not like mi... can't do anything for her...
so how... i wish them all the best...

seem like u love her...
or maybe more den mi...
so i have to say is...
must take care of her...
can be with her is ur pleasure...


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Wednesday, December 3, 2008
3:51 AM

Chapter 6 "First Meet"

"Darlic" Chapter 6 is
finally out!!
Apologize tat take
a long time to upload...
Hope u still like it...


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...