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Wednesday, January 21, 2009
9:19 PM

Without Using Heart

I notice tat until now everything wat i do...
i not using my heart to do it...
i too easy going... everything anything...
I'm not interested or not my problem
i won't be care of it...
study or part-time job not using heart too...
tat why i everything learning very slow...

In camp... i dun care anything...
jus want easy going until ord...
even officer rank i oso dunno...
wateva captain or wat...
see 2 diamond or 3 diamond...
i jus call him sir...

Anyway chapter8 is out!!
my buddy said my comic too slow...
so i will keep try to make it fast...
or not it will be very boring
like wat i buddy said...
and 4000+ visited wor... lol


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Sunday, January 11, 2009
4:47 AM

Meet My Buddy Today
Today went out with
ChinSeng & YiHeng...
play lan, eat dinner,
watch movie, play maxtune...

We watch Passengers...
bcus got Anne Hathaway!!!
YiHeng Wife* 
not bad... i like the movie...
starting quite boring
Sad & Unexpected Ending...
(spoiler) the story is...
plane crash... have 5 surivors
but actually they alrdy dead...
all the way surivors did is illusion,
so call is their sixth sense...
until last... b4 plane crash... b4 they die...
they feel sixth sense...
sense tat they did wat they have did when illusion...
they feel like very reality...

so the story can be say is abt
u will feel sixth sense b4 u die... lol
but great... an emotional movie...

Rating 3/5


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...