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Friday, July 24, 2009
1:28 AM

Sou's Movie Rated XD
My StarStar for worthly to watch at cinema...

Transformers 2 ★★
Great sound effect in cinema...

Ice Age 3 ★★★★★
Entertaining & funny...

Harry Potter 6 ★★★★
I like darkness... I noe it not so much abt action scenes... but jus like ppl said: "dun jus looking out for action scenes... u got to noe the storyline in order to understand the last part of Harry Potter" anyway... it a very nice 6th movie, entertaining & romance... I very enjoy it until end :)

Public Enemies ★★★★★
Johnny Depp!!! He is handsome & cool~
Very nice show... must watch!!
but dun need to watch at cinema
I watched bcus I'm Johnny Depp's fan :)


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Sunday, July 19, 2009
4:33 AM

No Dream

I was still searching what i was searching for...
"My Dream"
I was not really study in school...
one of the reason because i dun have any goal... any dream...
when i was small... i wanna be artist...
but now i think it too hard for me...

Alvin NCS la... scold me!!
said artist not reality... can't earn money de...
and said "you think la... your drawing is really good meh??"

Maybe... I was thinking of open shop...
all my own design of star...
black star & white star design in t-shirt...
got star chain, star earring, etc... lol
and my shop is only got black & white two color only...
tat can be my dream ba...


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Tuesday, July 7, 2009
10:40 PM

I feel so emo...

i couldn't find where my ShinE is...
My heart became darkness & darkness...
I feel pain... bleeding with black color blood...
It like darkness make me feel great!!


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...