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Tuesday, September 22, 2009
1:11 AM

(Both from the latest vol.49 and also is the last vol)

(ShinChan's movie become live movie)

R.I.P Yoshito Usui

I'm cried... Bcus I still can't accept it...
why must take Yoshito Usui away from us!!
I'm angry... angry of destiny...
I'm his fan... watched it from small...
even jus watch the ShinChan movie a few day ago...
But now the ShinChan's anime i jus watch...
the more it funny... the more i crying...

He is ACCIDENT!!! I was prayed when he
didn't return from hiking...
Police began searching for him
at the family's request on Sept 15...
The body was found on Sept 19... T-T
No more manga... No more ShinChan~
but will be inside our memories forever...

As a artist... We have to respect him~
Rest In Peace, 臼井先生, GoodBye 小新

(My art of ShinChan)


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...


Tuesday, September 1, 2009
12:32 AM

New picture updated!

Characters of the "Darlic"
Tian Fu Zhen(田芙珍) and Xiao Qiao(小乔)


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...