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Wednesday, December 30, 2009
9:22 PM

Long Update!!

Long Long Time nvr update le... Haha!!
Apologize for my manga "Darlic" took so long nvr update too...
I have new manga story not out very soon...
still processing... XD
I ord already... Now looking for job...
January 4th & 5th I have interview...
Tmw nite is new year of 2010 liao...
Spider-man 4 is getting closer & closer... LOLsss
Wish u all Happy New Year 1st^^

Sou's Movie Rated
My StarStar for worthly to watch at cinema... (Full Rating 5 Stars)

Bodyguards & Assassins
watch bcus got Donnie Yen
but not show a lot abt him quite disappointed
story so so only... watch online can le...

Sherlock Holmes ★★
Sherlock Holmes is damn smart & funny...
is a very nice movie
Very worthly to watch it in cinema XD

Wanna watch Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 & The Treasure Hunter
but nobody wanna accompany me T-T


It's funny how a person can break ur heart, and u can still love her with all the little pieces...